Images used in this website
Header: "The True Light Middle School." In History of the South China Mission. (Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1927). Between p. 124 and 125.
Image 1.1: "Portrait of Harriet Noyes." In A Light in the Land of Sinim. Frontispiece.
Image 1.2: "Morning Prayers in the Chapel." In A Light in the Land of Sinim. 32.
Image 1.3: "The First T.L.S. Building." In A Light in the Land of Sinim. 14.
Image 1.4: "T.L.S. Building, 1880." In A Light in the Land of Sinim. 44.
Image 2.1: Same as Image 1.1.
Image 2.2: "Missionary Homes." In History of the South China Mission. (Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1927). Between p. 24 and 25.
Image 4.1: Chen, Eugene. Eugene Chen to Harriet Noyes and E. Butler, Guangzhou, China, May 16, 1923. In The Noyes Collection, Box 5, The College of Wooster Department of Special Collections, Wooster, Ohio.
Image 4.2: "Group of Missionaries of the South China Mission." In History of the South China Mission. (Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1927). Between p. 124 and 125.
Image 1.1: "Portrait of Harriet Noyes." In A Light in the Land of Sinim. Frontispiece.
Image 1.2: "Morning Prayers in the Chapel." In A Light in the Land of Sinim. 32.
Image 1.3: "The First T.L.S. Building." In A Light in the Land of Sinim. 14.
Image 1.4: "T.L.S. Building, 1880." In A Light in the Land of Sinim. 44.
Image 2.1: Same as Image 1.1.
Image 2.2: "Missionary Homes." In History of the South China Mission. (Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1927). Between p. 24 and 25.
Image 4.1: Chen, Eugene. Eugene Chen to Harriet Noyes and E. Butler, Guangzhou, China, May 16, 1923. In The Noyes Collection, Box 5, The College of Wooster Department of Special Collections, Wooster, Ohio.
Image 4.2: "Group of Missionaries of the South China Mission." In History of the South China Mission. (Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1927). Between p. 124 and 125.